Pennie Elfick is exhibiting at:
CIC Paul Street Taunton TA2 3PF
Thursday 26 June – Saturday 26 July 2014
Monday – Saturday 9.30 – 12.30 pm
Opening Wednesday 25 June 6 – 8 pm
The work on show is based on the floods on Aller Moor. Each day I looked out from the Studio windows to see ever increasing levels of water. Some days it was beautiful with the water appearing blue as if it were a Mediterranean inland sea; other times it would be dark, for boding, with fast running currents and wind whipped surf. A beautiful sunrise could turn the water pink, or just cast a gossamer thin veil of grey over everywhere. There were days when to look would evoke a terrible sense of despair, knowing that under the water the land was rotting creating a grave yard of vegetation and wildlife. This is how these paintings were inspired.